Blocking off a squirrel hole on your own trapping squirrels inside the walls cutting holes in sheetrock to remove dead squirrels treating the odor from the dead squirrel carcasses etc.
Sealing attic from squirrels.
Caulk and foam can be painted over.
Squirrels can bring parasitic insects squirrels in your attic aren t all that likely to spread disease but they can infest your home with fleas and potentially bring a few ticks inside as well.
Put up a squirrel nesting box on your property.
Juvenile squirrels and sometimes adults may fall into wall cavities and be unable to climb out making persistent scratching noises as they try to escape and eventually dying if they can t.
Use caulk or foam sealant to close up holes.
Stainless steel mesh sheet metal or aluminum flashing can t be chewed through.
Seal all but one entry point when squirrels aren t home.
This includes everything from trapping and removing all squirrels and properly sealing their entry point once all squirrels have been removed from the house.
Establishing the main entrance getting rid of squirrels is a multistep procedure that ends with sealing the main hole.
Once all squirrels are out we seal up the final holes and finish the job.
If you seal up the final entry point when the adult squirrel leaves while the baby squirrels are still in the attic or walls they will need to be removed by a pest management professional dead or alive.
Once you know when they come and go seal up all entry points except the one they re using most.
Cover the attic vent with thick hardware cloth about inches.
These are the times when you re most likely to have squirrels in the attic.
At colonial we use one way valves that let squirrels out but don t let them back in.
The first sign of a squirrel in the attic is usually the sound of scampering during the day as they come and go on foraging trips.
Seal openings where utility pipes and cables enter the house as well as openings at overhanging eaves and siding joints.
Squirrels have a good eye for weak spots and can chew through compromised wood to create an entryway to the attic.